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Stream Tracker meet-ups

Friday September 22nd Reservoir Ridge

3:45 pm meet-up at Mugs coffee on Howes Street,

4:30 meet up at the Reservoir Ridge trail head off of Overland

Tuesday September 26th Emmaline Lake

Meet at 8:30 am at Mugs on Howes to carpool

***POSTPONED**Wednesday September 27th Horsetooth Falls.

3:30 meet-up at Mugs coffee on Howes Street, 4:30 pm meet-up at the Horsetooth Mountain trail head

Wednesday October 4th Horsetooth Falls.

3:30 meet-up at Mugs coffee on Howes Street, 4:30 pm meet-up at the Horsetooth Mountain trail head

Meet-ups at the coffee shop are to allow time to use the Wi-Fi to download the applications and necessary data. If you are unable to make it to the pre-hike meet-up, come directly to the trail head. The Stream Tracker team can show you how to stream track on their own devices if you encounter any issues.

For the hike, the first 30 minutes of the hike will be guided to visit Stream Tracker locations and then you are welcome to continue the hike on you own or turn back having gotten the hang of stream tracking.

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