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How-To: Using the mobile applications

Smartphones are changing how we can collect data. Within our devices in the capacity to navigate using the phone GPS system, take photos, access datasheets, input time and date stamps, and then upload all of this information to an online database where it can be viewed by all. Stream Tracker has adopted an application that allows the user to navigate to Stream Tracker sites, even in remote locations and an application that connect the user to the project datasheets in the field. The future holds the potential of combining these two applications into a single application but for now, these dual apps are used together to collect data in the field.


Any application that allows for offline navigation and for the user to upload a .kml will work. We have selected the application Maps.Me as a free, easy to use mobile application.

Download the Maps.Me mobile application here:

Once downloaded:

1. Take advantage of Wi-Fi to allow the application to download a cached map of your general area.

2. Download the current .kml of all the Stream Tracker sites from the Stream Tracker website. The file is stored on Google Drive. Your phone should recognize the file format and list Maps.Me or a comparable application as an app to download the field to.

3. Once the file has been added as a bookmark in Maps.Me, you should see all the Stream Tracker points represented with red map pins.

4. Now you can go in the field. Navigate to a Stream Tracker point of interest. Tap the red map pin to view additional point information, including the point name.

5. Once you have reached your location, take the point name and then switch to the data collection application.


Stream Tracker is using the mobile application which allows the user to access the project datasheets as well as upload their data directly to the project database on

** Before proceeding** Sign up for the project Stream Tracker on to create your user log-in. You will need this to access the project through the application.

Download the mobile application here:

Once downloaded:

1. Log into the application using your login. You should see "Stream Tracker" listed as one of your projects.

2. From this point either 1) select the "New Site" datasheet to establish and record data at a new Stream Tracker site or 2) select the "Stream Monitoring" datasheet to record your observation at an established Stream Tracker site.

3. Navigate within the datasheet to record streamflow presence or absence (flow, standing water, no flow, channel covered/other), as well as any additional field observations/comments (i.e., weather conditions, channel flow conditions, interesting site changes,..).

4. Each observation made will be saved within the application remotely. Once you return to Wi-Fi, upload all of your observations using the upload feature within the application.

5. Log on to and view your hard work as well as see other new observations logged by fellow project members.


Have a love of mobile application development? We are actively searching for someone to assist with creating a streamlined mobile application for this project. Contact us

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